Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王

Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王


开发者: Readdle Technologies Limited

  • 12天11小时


  • 20


  • 2009-10-09


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  • 版本: 8.19



    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王

    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王



    We’re back to you with a handful of important fixes.
    The most prominent one is a better sync! No more scans lost in space.
    Update to the latest version of Scanner Pro on all your devices for swift and reliable access to your documents.
    Keep your feedback coming at


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    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图


    在旅途中輕鬆掃描、整理和共享檔案,讓一切盡在指尖。Scanner Pro 通過一款方便簡單的移動應用程式為您帶來高品質的文件掃描技術。使用設備掃描協議、收據、身份證、書籍等,在幾秒鐘內將其轉換為 PDF。藉助 Scanner Pro,只需輕點幾下,即可安全地存儲文件並與任何人共享。

    體驗隨身掃描文件的簡便性。掃描差旅費用、將草圖轉換成 PDF 文件,甚至傳真重要文件,都可以通過智能手機完成。Scanner Pro 可為您的設備帶來 OCR 和全文搜索等專業掃描功能。透過先進的圖像處理功能,Scanner Pro 可自動檢測邊界、糾正透視和扭曲、去除陰影等。 與雲盤兼容,可隨時隨地共享、通過電子郵件發送和上傳掃描結果。使用 Scanner Pro,您可以完全免費共享任意數量的掃描檔案。只需發送電子郵件、上傳照片或使用任何第三方應用程式,即可方便傳送掃描文件。

    "我承認我非常喜歡 Scanner Pro 。" - Rick Broida,CNET
    "Scanner Pro 是一款出色的應用程式,適合那些希望將紙質檔案數位化並加以整理的人士使用"。- Marc Saltzman,今日美國
    "沒有比 Scanner Pro 更好用的 iPhone 掃描儀應用程式"。- Matthew Panzarino,TNW

    使用 Scanner Pro,完全免費地享受專業掃描和便捷的檔案共享。立即下載,以便快速簡便使用全能移動掃描儀。

    Scanner Pro 功能

    - 隨時隨地掃描文件、圖片和更多內容
    - 與其他應用程式不同,掃描儀專業版可保存掃描的原始文件
    - 通過在文件上加亮、書寫和繪圖,方便地編輯您的掃描件

    - 只需輕點一下,即可重命名、發送和上傳掃描件,實現工作流程自動化 - 輕松創建文件夾,幾秒鐘內即可找到任何重要文件

    - OCR 和全文搜索功能可讓您輕鬆突顯掃描內容的重要部分 - 將掃描結果轉化為文本,以便閱讀、複製和導出到其他應用程式共享掃描
    - 在 iPhone 或 iPad 上掃描文件,並通過 iCloud 同步功能在您所有其他設備上進行訪問 - 自動導出掃描結果並上傳到 Dropbox、Evernote、Google Drive、Box、iCloud Drive、OneDrive、OneNote 或任何其他支持 WebDAV 的存儲設備中
    - 與聯絡人免費共享無限量文件

    掃描儀專業版支持 25 种以上語言:加泰羅尼亞語、克羅地亞語、簡體中文、繁體中文、捷克語、丹麥語、荷蘭語、英語、愛沙尼亞語、芬蘭語、法語、德語、希臘語、匈牙利語、意大利語、日語、拉丁語、挪威語、波蘭語、葡萄牙語、羅馬尼亞語、俄語、西班牙語、瑞典語、他加祿語、土耳其語和烏克蘭語。

    立即下載 Scanner Pro,隨時隨地以快速、簡潔的方式專業掃描、整理和共享檔案。

    * 目前 Scanner Pro PLUS 的訂閱起價為 29.99/年,可試用 7 天。
    * 如果您選擇購買 Scanner Pro PLUS,付款將從您的 iTunes 帳戶中扣除,並在當前期限結束前 24 小時內從您的帳戶中扣除續訂費用。
    * 用戶可自行管理訂閱,也可在購買後進入 "帳戶設置" 關閉自動續訂。
    * 價格以美元為單位,在美國以外的國家或地區可能有所不同,如有變更,恕不另行通知。

    * 您如果不選擇購買 Scanner Pro PLUS,仍可以繼續免費使用 Scanner Pro。

    請登錄 分享您的反饋和意見


  • 版本: 8.18



    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王

    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王



    Meet the next generation of the scanning distortion correction algorithm!
    Now any curved lines in your scanned documents — whether they’re from books, magazines, or any other sources — will now appear straighter.
    As always, we’re here to help at


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    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图


    在旅途中輕鬆掃描、整理和共享檔案,讓一切盡在指尖。Scanner Pro 通過一款方便簡單的移動應用程式為您帶來高品質的文件掃描技術。使用設備掃描協議、收據、身份證、書籍等,在幾秒鐘內將其轉換為 PDF。藉助 Scanner Pro,只需輕點幾下,即可安全地存儲文件並與任何人共享。

    體驗隨身掃描文件的簡便性。掃描差旅費用、將草圖轉換成 PDF 文件,甚至傳真重要文件,都可以通過智能手機完成。Scanner Pro 可為您的設備帶來 OCR 和全文搜索等專業掃描功能。透過先進的圖像處理功能,Scanner Pro 可自動檢測邊界、糾正透視和扭曲、去除陰影等。 與雲盤兼容,可隨時隨地共享、通過電子郵件發送和上傳掃描結果。使用 Scanner Pro,您可以完全免費共享任意數量的掃描檔案。只需發送電子郵件、上傳照片或使用任何第三方應用程式,即可方便傳送掃描文件。

    "我承認我非常喜歡 Scanner Pro 。" - Rick Broida,CNET
    "Scanner Pro 是一款出色的應用程式,適合那些希望將紙質檔案數位化並加以整理的人士使用"。- Marc Saltzman,今日美國
    "沒有比 Scanner Pro 更好用的 iPhone 掃描儀應用程式"。- Matthew Panzarino,TNW

    使用 Scanner Pro,完全免費地享受專業掃描和便捷的檔案共享。立即下載,以便快速簡便使用全能移動掃描儀。

    Scanner Pro 功能

    - 隨時隨地掃描文件、圖片和更多內容
    - 與其他應用程式不同,掃描儀專業版可保存掃描的原始文件
    - 通過在文件上加亮、書寫和繪圖,方便地編輯您的掃描件

    - 只需輕點一下,即可重命名、發送和上傳掃描件,實現工作流程自動化 - 輕松創建文件夾,幾秒鐘內即可找到任何重要文件

    - OCR 和全文搜索功能可讓您輕鬆突顯掃描內容的重要部分 - 將掃描結果轉化為文本,以便閱讀、複製和導出到其他應用程式共享掃描
    - 在 iPhone 或 iPad 上掃描文件,並通過 iCloud 同步功能在您所有其他設備上進行訪問 - 自動導出掃描結果並上傳到 Dropbox、Evernote、Google Drive、Box、iCloud Drive、OneDrive、OneNote 或任何其他支持 WebDAV 的存儲設備中
    - 與聯絡人免費共享無限量文件

    掃描儀專業版支持 25 种以上語言:加泰羅尼亞語、克羅地亞語、簡體中文、繁體中文、捷克語、丹麥語、荷蘭語、英語、愛沙尼亞語、芬蘭語、法語、德語、希臘語、匈牙利語、意大利語、日語、拉丁語、挪威語、波蘭語、葡萄牙語、羅馬尼亞語、俄語、西班牙語、瑞典語、他加祿語、土耳其語和烏克蘭語。

    立即下載 Scanner Pro,隨時隨地以快速、簡潔的方式專業掃描、整理和共享檔案。

    * 目前 Scanner Pro PLUS 的訂閱起價為 29.99/年,可試用 7 天。
    * 如果您選擇購買 Scanner Pro PLUS,付款將從您的 iTunes 帳戶中扣除,並在當前期限結束前 24 小時內從您的帳戶中扣除續訂費用。
    * 用戶可自行管理訂閱,也可在購買後進入 "帳戶設置" 關閉自動續訂。
    * 價格以美元為單位,在美國以外的國家或地區可能有所不同,如有變更,恕不另行通知。

    * 您如果不選擇購買 Scanner Pro PLUS,仍可以繼續免費使用 Scanner Pro。

    請登錄 分享您的反饋和意見


  • 版本: 8.17.6



    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王

    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王



    This update is packed with gifts for both you and your friends!
    Introducing our new referral offer: Give 3 Gifts, Get 90 Days of Plus!
    Here’s how it works:
    Step 1: Gift 30 days of Plus to 3 friends.
    Step 2: Unlock 90 days of Plus for yourself, absolutely free!
    This referral offer is valid only for new customers, so spread the word and let your friends know they can enjoy the benefits too!
    Enjoy scanning and share your feedback at


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    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图


    在旅途中輕鬆掃描、整理和共享檔案,讓一切盡在指尖。Scanner Pro 通過一款方便簡單的移動應用程式為您帶來高品質的文件掃描技術。使用設備掃描協議、收據、身份證、書籍等,在幾秒鐘內將其轉換為 PDF。藉助 Scanner Pro,只需輕點幾下,即可安全地存儲文件並與任何人共享。

    體驗隨身掃描文件的簡便性。掃描差旅費用、將草圖轉換成 PDF 文件,甚至傳真重要文件,都可以通過智能手機完成。Scanner Pro 可為您的設備帶來 OCR 和全文搜索等專業掃描功能。透過先進的圖像處理功能,Scanner Pro 可自動檢測邊界、糾正透視和扭曲、去除陰影等。 與雲盤兼容,可隨時隨地共享、通過電子郵件發送和上傳掃描結果。使用 Scanner Pro,您可以完全免費共享任意數量的掃描檔案。只需發送電子郵件、上傳照片或使用任何第三方應用程式,即可方便傳送掃描文件。

    "我承認我非常喜歡 Scanner Pro 。" - Rick Broida,CNET
    "Scanner Pro 是一款出色的應用程式,適合那些希望將紙質檔案數位化並加以整理的人士使用"。- Marc Saltzman,今日美國
    "沒有比 Scanner Pro 更好用的 iPhone 掃描儀應用程式"。- Matthew Panzarino,TNW

    使用 Scanner Pro,完全免費地享受專業掃描和便捷的檔案共享。立即下載,以便快速簡便使用全能移動掃描儀。

    Scanner Pro 功能

    - 隨時隨地掃描文件、圖片和更多內容
    - 與其他應用程式不同,掃描儀專業版可保存掃描的原始文件
    - 通過在文件上加亮、書寫和繪圖,方便地編輯您的掃描件

    - 只需輕點一下,即可重命名、發送和上傳掃描件,實現工作流程自動化 - 輕松創建文件夾,幾秒鐘內即可找到任何重要文件

    - OCR 和全文搜索功能可讓您輕鬆突顯掃描內容的重要部分 - 將掃描結果轉化為文本,以便閱讀、複製和導出到其他應用程式共享掃描
    - 在 iPhone 或 iPad 上掃描文件,並通過 iCloud 同步功能在您所有其他設備上進行訪問 - 自動導出掃描結果並上傳到 Dropbox、Evernote、Google Drive、Box、iCloud Drive、OneDrive、OneNote 或任何其他支持 WebDAV 的存儲設備中
    - 與聯絡人免費共享無限量文件

    掃描儀專業版支持 25 种以上語言:加泰羅尼亞語、克羅地亞語、簡體中文、繁體中文、捷克語、丹麥語、荷蘭語、英語、愛沙尼亞語、芬蘭語、法語、德語、希臘語、匈牙利語、意大利語、日語、拉丁語、挪威語、波蘭語、葡萄牙語、羅馬尼亞語、俄語、西班牙語、瑞典語、他加祿語、土耳其語和烏克蘭語。

    立即下載 Scanner Pro,隨時隨地以快速、簡潔的方式專業掃描、整理和共享檔案。

    * 目前 Scanner Pro PLUS 的訂閱起價為 29.99/年,可試用 7 天。
    * 如果您選擇購買 Scanner Pro PLUS,付款將從您的 iTunes 帳戶中扣除,並在當前期限結束前 24 小時內從您的帳戶中扣除續訂費用。
    * 用戶可自行管理訂閱,也可在購買後進入 "帳戶設置" 關閉自動續訂。
    * 價格以美元為單位,在美國以外的國家或地區可能有所不同,如有變更,恕不另行通知。

    * 您如果不選擇購買 Scanner Pro PLUS,仍可以繼續免費使用 Scanner Pro。

    請登錄 分享您的反饋和意見


  • 版本: 8.17.5



    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王

    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王



    This update is packed with gifts for both you and your friends!
    Introducing our new referral offer: Give 3 Gifts, Get 90 Days of Plus!
    Here’s how it works:
    Step 1: Gift 30 days of Plus to 3 friends.
    Step 2: Unlock 90 days of Plus for yourself, absolutely free!
    This referral offer is valid only for new customers, so spread the word and let your friends know they can enjoy the benefits too!
    Enjoy scanning and share your feedback at


    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 视频
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图


    在旅途中輕鬆掃描、整理和共享檔案,讓一切盡在指尖。Scanner Pro 通過一款方便簡單的移動應用程式為您帶來高品質的文件掃描技術。使用設備掃描協議、收據、身份證、書籍等,在幾秒鐘內將其轉換為 PDF。藉助 Scanner Pro,只需輕點幾下,即可安全地存儲文件並與任何人共享。

    體驗隨身掃描文件的簡便性。掃描差旅費用、將草圖轉換成 PDF 文件,甚至傳真重要文件,都可以通過智能手機完成。Scanner Pro 可為您的設備帶來 OCR 和全文搜索等專業掃描功能。透過先進的圖像處理功能,Scanner Pro 可自動檢測邊界、糾正透視和扭曲、去除陰影等。 與雲盤兼容,可隨時隨地共享、通過電子郵件發送和上傳掃描結果。使用 Scanner Pro,您可以完全免費共享任意數量的掃描檔案。只需發送電子郵件、上傳照片或使用任何第三方應用程式,即可方便傳送掃描文件。

    "我承認我非常喜歡 Scanner Pro 。" - Rick Broida,CNET
    "Scanner Pro 是一款出色的應用程式,適合那些希望將紙質檔案數位化並加以整理的人士使用"。- Marc Saltzman,今日美國
    "沒有比 Scanner Pro 更好用的 iPhone 掃描儀應用程式"。- Matthew Panzarino,TNW

    使用 Scanner Pro,完全免費地享受專業掃描和便捷的檔案共享。立即下載,以便快速簡便使用全能移動掃描儀。

    Scanner Pro 功能

    - 隨時隨地掃描文件、圖片和更多內容
    - 與其他應用程式不同,掃描儀專業版可保存掃描的原始文件
    - 通過在文件上加亮、書寫和繪圖,方便地編輯您的掃描件

    - 只需輕點一下,即可重命名、發送和上傳掃描件,實現工作流程自動化 - 輕松創建文件夾,幾秒鐘內即可找到任何重要文件

    - OCR 和全文搜索功能可讓您輕鬆突顯掃描內容的重要部分 - 將掃描結果轉化為文本,以便閱讀、複製和導出到其他應用程式共享掃描
    - 在 iPhone 或 iPad 上掃描文件,並通過 iCloud 同步功能在您所有其他設備上進行訪問 - 自動導出掃描結果並上傳到 Dropbox、Evernote、Google Drive、Box、iCloud Drive、OneDrive、OneNote 或任何其他支持 WebDAV 的存儲設備中
    - 與聯絡人免費共享無限量文件

    掃描儀專業版支持 25 种以上語言:加泰羅尼亞語、克羅地亞語、簡體中文、繁體中文、捷克語、丹麥語、荷蘭語、英語、愛沙尼亞語、芬蘭語、法語、德語、希臘語、匈牙利語、意大利語、日語、拉丁語、挪威語、波蘭語、葡萄牙語、羅馬尼亞語、俄語、西班牙語、瑞典語、他加祿語、土耳其語和烏克蘭語。

    立即下載 Scanner Pro,隨時隨地以快速、簡潔的方式專業掃描、整理和共享檔案。

    * 目前 Scanner Pro PLUS 的訂閱起價為 29.99/年,可試用 7 天。
    * 如果您選擇購買 Scanner Pro PLUS,付款將從您的 iTunes 帳戶中扣除,並在當前期限結束前 24 小時內從您的帳戶中扣除續訂費用。
    * 用戶可自行管理訂閱,也可在購買後進入 "帳戶設置" 關閉自動續訂。
    * 價格以美元為單位,在美國以外的國家或地區可能有所不同,如有變更,恕不另行通知。

    * 您如果不選擇購買 Scanner Pro PLUS,仍可以繼續免費使用 Scanner Pro。

    請登錄 分享您的反饋和意見


  • 版本: 8.17.4



    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王

    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王



    This week we’ve made a few minor improvements here and there, so you can enjoy your favorite Scanner Pro app.
    Thanks for your continuing feedback. We love hearing from you!
    If you need us, you can find us at


    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 视频
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图


    在旅途中輕鬆掃描、整理和共享檔案,讓一切盡在指尖。Scanner Pro 通過一款方便簡單的移動應用程式為您帶來高品質的文件掃描技術。使用設備掃描協議、收據、身份證、書籍等,在幾秒鐘內將其轉換為 PDF。藉助 Scanner Pro,只需輕點幾下,即可安全地存儲文件並與任何人共享。

    體驗隨身掃描文件的簡便性。掃描差旅費用、將草圖轉換成 PDF 文件,甚至傳真重要文件,都可以通過智能手機完成。Scanner Pro 可為您的設備帶來 OCR 和全文搜索等專業掃描功能。透過先進的圖像處理功能,Scanner Pro 可自動檢測邊界、糾正透視和扭曲、去除陰影等。 與雲盤兼容,可隨時隨地共享、通過電子郵件發送和上傳掃描結果。使用 Scanner Pro,您可以完全免費共享任意數量的掃描檔案。只需發送電子郵件、上傳照片或使用任何第三方應用程式,即可方便傳送掃描文件。

    "我承認我非常喜歡 Scanner Pro 。" - Rick Broida,CNET
    "Scanner Pro 是一款出色的應用程式,適合那些希望將紙質檔案數位化並加以整理的人士使用"。- Marc Saltzman,今日美國
    "沒有比 Scanner Pro 更好用的 iPhone 掃描儀應用程式"。- Matthew Panzarino,TNW

    使用 Scanner Pro,完全免費地享受專業掃描和便捷的檔案共享。立即下載,以便快速簡便使用全能移動掃描儀。

    Scanner Pro 功能

    - 隨時隨地掃描文件、圖片和更多內容
    - 與其他應用程式不同,掃描儀專業版可保存掃描的原始文件
    - 通過在文件上加亮、書寫和繪圖,方便地編輯您的掃描件

    - 只需輕點一下,即可重命名、發送和上傳掃描件,實現工作流程自動化 - 輕松創建文件夾,幾秒鐘內即可找到任何重要文件

    - OCR 和全文搜索功能可讓您輕鬆突顯掃描內容的重要部分 - 將掃描結果轉化為文本,以便閱讀、複製和導出到其他應用程式共享掃描
    - 在 iPhone 或 iPad 上掃描文件,並通過 iCloud 同步功能在您所有其他設備上進行訪問 - 自動導出掃描結果並上傳到 Dropbox、Evernote、Google Drive、Box、iCloud Drive、OneDrive、OneNote 或任何其他支持 WebDAV 的存儲設備中
    - 與聯絡人免費共享無限量文件

    掃描儀專業版支持 25 种以上語言:加泰羅尼亞語、克羅地亞語、簡體中文、繁體中文、捷克語、丹麥語、荷蘭語、英語、愛沙尼亞語、芬蘭語、法語、德語、希臘語、匈牙利語、意大利語、日語、拉丁語、挪威語、波蘭語、葡萄牙語、羅馬尼亞語、俄語、西班牙語、瑞典語、他加祿語、土耳其語和烏克蘭語。

    立即下載 Scanner Pro,隨時隨地以快速、簡潔的方式專業掃描、整理和共享檔案。

    * 目前 Scanner Pro PLUS 的訂閱起價為 19.99/年,可試用 7 天。
    * 如果您選擇購買 Scanner Pro PLUS,付款將從您的 iTunes 帳戶中扣除,並在當前期限結束前 24 小時內從您的帳戶中扣除續訂費用。
    * 用戶可自行管理訂閱,也可在購買後進入 "帳戶設置" 關閉自動續訂。
    * 價格以美元為單位,在美國以外的國家或地區可能有所不同,如有變更,恕不另行通知。

    * 您如果不選擇購買 Scanner Pro PLUS,仍可以繼續免費使用 Scanner Pro。

    請登錄 分享您的反饋和意見


  • 版本: 8.17.3



    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王

    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王



    This week we’ve made a few minor improvements here and there, so you can enjoy your favorite Scanner Pro app.
    Thanks for your continuing feedback. We love hearing from you!
    If you need us, you can find us at


    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 视频
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图


    在旅途中輕鬆掃描、整理和共享檔案,讓一切盡在指尖。Scanner Pro 通過一款方便簡單的移動應用程式為您帶來高品質的文件掃描技術。使用設備掃描協議、收據、身份證、書籍等,在幾秒鐘內將其轉換為 PDF。藉助 Scanner Pro,只需輕點幾下,即可安全地存儲文件並與任何人共享。

    體驗隨身掃描文件的簡便性。掃描差旅費用、將草圖轉換成 PDF 文件,甚至傳真重要文件,都可以通過智能手機完成。Scanner Pro 可為您的設備帶來 OCR 和全文搜索等專業掃描功能。透過先進的圖像處理功能,Scanner Pro 可自動檢測邊界、糾正透視和扭曲、去除陰影等。 與雲盤兼容,可隨時隨地共享、通過電子郵件發送和上傳掃描結果。使用 Scanner Pro,您可以完全免費共享任意數量的掃描檔案。只需發送電子郵件、上傳照片或使用任何第三方應用程式,即可方便傳送掃描文件。

    "我承認我非常喜歡 Scanner Pro 。" - Rick Broida,CNET
    "Scanner Pro 是一款出色的應用程式,適合那些希望將紙質檔案數位化並加以整理的人士使用"。- Marc Saltzman,今日美國
    "沒有比 Scanner Pro 更好用的 iPhone 掃描儀應用程式"。- Matthew Panzarino,TNW

    使用 Scanner Pro,完全免費地享受專業掃描和便捷的檔案共享。立即下載,以便快速簡便使用全能移動掃描儀。

    Scanner Pro 功能

    - 隨時隨地掃描文件、圖片和更多內容
    - 與其他應用程式不同,掃描儀專業版可保存掃描的原始文件
    - 通過在文件上加亮、書寫和繪圖,方便地編輯您的掃描件

    - 只需輕點一下,即可重命名、發送和上傳掃描件,實現工作流程自動化 - 輕松創建文件夾,幾秒鐘內即可找到任何重要文件

    - OCR 和全文搜索功能可讓您輕鬆突顯掃描內容的重要部分 - 將掃描結果轉化為文本,以便閱讀、複製和導出到其他應用程式共享掃描
    - 在 iPhone 或 iPad 上掃描文件,並通過 iCloud 同步功能在您所有其他設備上進行訪問 - 自動導出掃描結果並上傳到 Dropbox、Evernote、Google Drive、Box、iCloud Drive、OneDrive、OneNote 或任何其他支持 WebDAV 的存儲設備中
    - 與聯絡人免費共享無限量文件

    掃描儀專業版支持 25 种以上語言:加泰羅尼亞語、克羅地亞語、簡體中文、繁體中文、捷克語、丹麥語、荷蘭語、英語、愛沙尼亞語、芬蘭語、法語、德語、希臘語、匈牙利語、意大利語、日語、拉丁語、挪威語、波蘭語、葡萄牙語、羅馬尼亞語、俄語、西班牙語、瑞典語、他加祿語、土耳其語和烏克蘭語。

    立即下載 Scanner Pro,隨時隨地以快速、簡潔的方式專業掃描、整理和共享檔案。

    * 目前 Scanner Pro PLUS 的訂閱起價為 19.99/年,可試用 7 天。
    * 如果您選擇購買 Scanner Pro PLUS,付款將從您的 iTunes 帳戶中扣除,並在當前期限結束前 24 小時內從您的帳戶中扣除續訂費用。
    * 用戶可自行管理訂閱,也可在購買後進入 "帳戶設置" 關閉自動續訂。
    * 價格以美元為單位,在美國以外的國家或地區可能有所不同,如有變更,恕不另行通知。

    * 您如果不選擇購買 Scanner Pro PLUS,仍可以繼續免費使用 Scanner Pro。

    請登錄 分享您的反饋和意見


  • 版本: 8.17.2



    Scanner Pro・Scan PDF Documents

    Scanner Pro・Scan PDF Documents


    This week we’ve made a few minor improvements here and there, so you can enjoy your favorite Scanner Pro app.
    Thanks for your continuing feedback. We love hearing from you!
    If you need us, you can find us at


    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 视频
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图


    Effortlessly scan, organize, and share documents on the go to have everything you need at your fingertips. Scanner Pro brings you high-quality document scan technology in a convenient and simple mobile app. Scan agreements, receipts, IDs, books, and more using your device to convert them into PDFs in seconds. Safely store and share your documents with anyone in just a few taps with Scanner Pro.

    Experience the simplicity of on-the-go document scanning. Scan travel expenses, convert sketches into PDFs, and even fax important files all from your smartphone. Scanner Pro brings professional scanner capabilities, like OCR and full-text searches to your device. With advanced image processing, Scanner Pro will automatically detect borders, correct perspective and distortions, remove shadows, and more.

    Share, email, and upload your scans anywhere with cloud compatibility. With Scanner Pro you can share as many scans as you want completely free. Simply send an email, upload to your photos, or use any third-party application to conveniently deliver scanned documents.

    What people have to say:
    "I will confess to some serious love for Scanner Pro." – Rick Broida, CNET
    "Scanner Pro is an excellent app for those who’d like to digitize and organize their paper worlds." – Marc Saltzman, USA Today
    "There really isn’t a better scanner app for iPhone than Scanner Pro." – Matthew Panzarino, TNW

    Enjoy professional scans and convenient document sharing completely free of charge with Scanner Pro. Download today for a quick and easy mobile scanner that does it all.


    - Scan documents, pictures, and more wherever you are
    - Unlike other apps, Scanner Pro saves the original document that you scanned
    - Conveniently edit your scans by highlighting, writing, and drawing on your documents

    - Automate your workflow when you rename, send, and upload scans in just one tap
    - Effortlessly create folders to find any important document in seconds

    - OCR and full-text search let you highlight important sections of your scans with ease
    - Turn your scans into text, so you can read, copy, and export it to other apps

    - Scan a document on your iPhone or iPad and access it on all your other devices with iCloud sync
    - Automatically export and upload scans to Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, Box, iCloud Drive, OneDrive, OneNote, or any other WebDAV-enabled storage
    - Share unlimited files with your contacts for free

    Scanner Pro supports 25+ languages: Catalan, Croatian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish and Ukrainian.

    Download Scanner Pro today for a quick and compact way to professionally scan, organize, and share documents wherever you are, whenever you want.

    * Current Scanner Pro PLUS subscription price starts at 19.99/year with a 7-day trial.
    * If you choose to purchase Scanner Pro PLUS, payment will be charged to your iTunes account, and your account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period.
    * Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user’s Account Settings after purchase.
    * Prices are in US dollars, may vary in countries other than the US, and are subject to change without notice.
    * Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
    * If you don’t choose to purchase Scanner Pro PLUS, you can simply continue using Scanner Pro for free.

    Share your feedback and comments at

    Privacy Policy:
    Terms of Service:
  • 版本: 8.17.1



    Scanner Pro・Scan PDF Documents

    Scanner Pro・Scan PDF Documents


    This week we’ve made a few minor improvements here and there, so you can enjoy your favorite Scanner Pro app.
    Thanks for your continuing feedback. We love hearing from you!
    If you need us, you can find us at


    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 视频
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图


    Effortlessly scan, organize, and share documents on the go to have everything you need at your fingertips. Scanner Pro brings you high-quality document scan technology in a convenient and simple mobile app. Scan agreements, receipts, IDs, books, and more using your device to convert them into PDFs in seconds. Safely store and share your documents with anyone in just a few taps with Scanner Pro.

    Experience the simplicity of on-the-go document scanning. Scan travel expenses, convert sketches into PDFs, and even fax important files all from your smartphone. Scanner Pro brings professional scanner capabilities, like OCR and full-text searches to your device. With advanced image processing, Scanner Pro will automatically detect borders, correct perspective and distortions, remove shadows, and more.

    Share, email, and upload your scans anywhere with cloud compatibility. With Scanner Pro you can share as many scans as you want completely free. Simply send an email, upload to your photos, or use any third-party application to conveniently deliver scanned documents.

    What people have to say:
    "I will confess to some serious love for Scanner Pro." – Rick Broida, CNET
    "Scanner Pro is an excellent app for those who’d like to digitize and organize their paper worlds." – Marc Saltzman, USA Today
    "There really isn’t a better scanner app for iPhone than Scanner Pro." – Matthew Panzarino, TNW

    Enjoy professional scans and convenient document sharing completely free of charge with Scanner Pro. Download today for a quick and easy mobile scanner that does it all.


    - Scan documents, pictures, and more wherever you are
    - Unlike other apps, Scanner Pro saves the original document that you scanned
    - Conveniently edit your scans by highlighting, writing, and drawing on your documents

    - Automate your workflow when you rename, send, and upload scans in just one tap
    - Effortlessly create folders to find any important document in seconds

    - OCR and full-text search let you highlight important sections of your scans with ease
    - Turn your scans into text, so you can read, copy, and export it to other apps

    - Scan a document on your iPhone or iPad and access it on all your other devices with iCloud sync
    - Automatically export and upload scans to Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, Box, iCloud Drive, OneDrive, OneNote, or any other WebDAV-enabled storage
    - Share unlimited files with your contacts for free

    Scanner Pro supports 25+ languages: Catalan, Croatian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish and Ukrainian.

    Download Scanner Pro today for a quick and compact way to professionally scan, organize, and share documents wherever you are, whenever you want.

    * Current Scanner Pro PLUS subscription price starts at 19.99/year with a 7-day trial.
    * If you choose to purchase Scanner Pro PLUS, payment will be charged to your iTunes account, and your account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period.
    * Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user’s Account Settings after purchase.
    * Prices are in US dollars, may vary in countries other than the US, and are subject to change without notice.
    * Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
    * If you don’t choose to purchase Scanner Pro PLUS, you can simply continue using Scanner Pro for free.

    Share your feedback and comments at

    Privacy Policy:
    Terms of Service:
  • 版本: 8.17



    Scanner Pro・Scan PDF Documents

    Scanner Pro・Scan PDF Documents


    Today’s update is about the Share extension functionality for importing documents from different sources into Scanner Pro.
    Now, you can save all your PNG, JPEG, PDF, and HEIC files to Scanner Pro.
    Thank you to everyone who got in touch with us at
    From all of us at Readdle, have a safe, wonderful, and happy holiday season!


    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 视频
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图


    Effortlessly scan, organize, and share documents on the go to have everything you need at your fingertips. Scanner Pro brings you high-quality document scan technology in a convenient and simple mobile app. Scan agreements, receipts, IDs, books, and more using your device to convert them into PDFs in seconds. Safely store and share your documents with anyone in just a few taps with Scanner Pro.

    Experience the simplicity of on-the-go document scanning. Scan travel expenses, convert sketches into PDFs, and even fax important files all from your smartphone. Scanner Pro brings professional scanner capabilities, like OCR and full-text searches to your device. With advanced image processing, Scanner Pro will automatically detect borders, correct perspective and distortions, remove shadows, and more.

    Share, email, and upload your scans anywhere with cloud compatibility. With Scanner Pro you can share as many scans as you want completely free. Simply send an email, upload to your photos, or use any third-party application to conveniently deliver scanned documents.

    What people have to say:
    "I will confess to some serious love for Scanner Pro." – Rick Broida, CNET
    "Scanner Pro is an excellent app for those who’d like to digitize and organize their paper worlds." – Marc Saltzman, USA Today
    "There really isn’t a better scanner app for iPhone than Scanner Pro." – Matthew Panzarino, TNW

    Enjoy professional scans and convenient document sharing completely free of charge with Scanner Pro. Download today for a quick and easy mobile scanner that does it all.


    - Scan documents, pictures, and more wherever you are
    - Unlike other apps, Scanner Pro saves the original document that you scanned
    - Conveniently edit your scans by highlighting, writing, and drawing on your documents

    - Automate your workflow when you rename, send, and upload scans in just one tap
    - Effortlessly create folders to find any important document in seconds

    - OCR and full-text search let you highlight important sections of your scans with ease
    - Turn your scans into text, so you can read, copy, and export it to other apps

    - Scan a document on your iPhone or iPad and access it on all your other devices with iCloud sync
    - Automatically export and upload scans to Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, Box, iCloud Drive, OneDrive, OneNote, or any other WebDAV-enabled storage
    - Share unlimited files with your contacts for free

    Scanner Pro supports 25+ languages: Catalan, Croatian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish and Ukrainian.

    Download Scanner Pro today for a quick and compact way to professionally scan, organize, and share documents wherever you are, whenever you want.

    * Current Scanner Pro PLUS subscription price starts at 19.99/year with a 7-day trial.
    * If you choose to purchase Scanner Pro PLUS, payment will be charged to your iTunes account, and your account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period.
    * Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user’s Account Settings after purchase.
    * Prices are in US dollars, may vary in countries other than the US, and are subject to change without notice.
    * Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
    * If you don’t choose to purchase Scanner Pro PLUS, you can simply continue using Scanner Pro for free.

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  • 版本: 8.16.1



    Scanner Pro・Scan PDF Documents

    Scanner Pro・Scan PDF Documents


    This week we’ve made a few minor improvements here and there, so you can enjoy your favorite Scanner Pro app.
    Thanks for your continuing feedback. We love hearing from you!
    If you need us, you can find us at


    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 视频
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图
    Scanner Pro - 全能文件護照掃描王 App 截图


    Effortlessly scan, organize, and share documents on the go to have everything you need at your fingertips. Scanner Pro brings you high-quality document scan technology in a convenient and simple mobile app. Scan agreements, receipts, IDs, books, and more using your device to convert them into PDFs in seconds. Safely store and share your documents with anyone in just a few taps with Scanner Pro.

    Experience the simplicity of on-the-go document scanning. Scan travel expenses, convert sketches into PDFs, and even fax important files all from your smartphone. Scanner Pro brings professional scanner capabilities, like OCR and full-text searches to your device. With advanced image processing, Scanner Pro will automatically detect borders, correct perspective and distortions, remove shadows, and more.

    Share, email, and upload your scans anywhere with cloud compatibility. With Scanner Pro you can share as many scans as you want completely free. Simply send an email, upload to your photos, or use any third-party application to conveniently deliver scanned documents.

    What people have to say:
    "I will confess to some serious love for Scanner Pro." – Rick Broida, CNET
    "Scanner Pro is an excellent app for those who’d like to digitize and organize their paper worlds." – Marc Saltzman, USA Today
    "There really isn’t a better scanner app for iPhone than Scanner Pro." – Matthew Panzarino, TNW

    Enjoy professional scans and convenient document sharing completely free of charge with Scanner Pro. Download today for a quick and easy mobile scanner that does it all.


    - Scan documents, pictures, and more wherever you are
    - Unlike other apps, Scanner Pro saves the original document that you scanned
    - Conveniently edit your scans by highlighting, writing, and drawing on your documents

    - Automate your workflow when you rename, send, and upload scans in just one tap
    - Effortlessly create folders to find any important document in seconds

    - OCR and full-text search let you highlight important sections of your scans with ease
    - Turn your scans into text, so you can read, copy, and export it to other apps

    - Scan a document on your iPhone or iPad and access it on all your other devices with iCloud sync
    - Automatically export and upload scans to Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, Box, iCloud Drive, OneDrive, OneNote, or any other WebDAV-enabled storage
    - Share unlimited files with your contacts for free

    Scanner Pro supports 25+ languages: Catalan, Croatian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish and Ukrainian.

    Download Scanner Pro today for a quick and compact way to professionally scan, organize, and share documents wherever you are, whenever you want.

    * Current Scanner Pro PLUS subscription price starts at 19.99/year with a 7-day trial.
    * If you choose to purchase Scanner Pro PLUS, payment will be charged to your iTunes account, and your account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period.
    * Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user’s Account Settings after purchase.
    * Prices are in US dollars, may vary in countries other than the US, and are subject to change without notice.
    * Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication.
    * If you don’t choose to purchase Scanner Pro PLUS, you can simply continue using Scanner Pro for free.

    Share your feedback and comments at

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